
MediaWorks provides the ability to manage, store and track ad production files by providing workflow management from ad creation to output. Details of the ad are taken from an ad booking system e.g. SalesWorks, which provides all the details relating to the ad e.g. insertion dates, size, customer, and classification. An entry is made in the SQL database and the initial status, “Booked” is logged against this initial entry. The artwork for the ad is then created or retrieved and the ad made up using standard page makeup programs e.g. QuarkXpress, PageOne, Freehand, Illustrator, InDesign etc.

While the ad is in production, following its pre-defined workflow, it is tracked and the time spent working on the ad is recorded in the database. Once the ad is completed, its status is changed to “Ready”. Completed ads wait for approval before further processing. A PDF version of the completed ad can be sent by e-mail or posted on the Internet for approval. This provides full management of lift and lift/amend for the adverts. The approval, or rejection, of the completed ad can be given by a sales person, a client or an agency. In addition, a copy of the completed ad can be archived for access later.

The following options can be added to enhance the capabilities of the MediaWorks application:

  • Interface to ad booking and management system e.g. SalesWorks
  • Crystal Reports/SSRS
  • Internet Browser Client and Ad Approval Client options